At the beginning of 2024, we have been certified against the ISO 9001:2015 standards, receiving further confirmation of the quality in the management of our business processes and our products.

With this certification we want to confirm and strengthen our commitment to a continuous improvement of our company and our processes, in order to offer to our customers products and services of the highest quality.

ISO 14001:2015 STANDARDS

The ISO 14001: 2015 achievement certifies our commitment for responsible environmental management.

We continuously commit to reducing the environmental impact of our activities, adopting sustainable practices and constantly looking for ways to improve our environmental performances.


ISO 45001:2018 STANDARDS

ChimicaItaliana obtained also the ISO 45001 certification, in order to constantly increase workers’ safety and health.

This goal reflects our priority for health and safety in the workplace. The safety of our employees, our partners and our customers are an absolute priority and we are constantly working to guarantee a safe and protected work environment.